Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Pokémon Fever GO

Pokémon Fever GO
By: Amriadi Al Masjidiy
(Ceo & Founder Tebar Suara)

ACB Post | The World Cyber ​​Games Pokemon go again fever (Tebarsuara.com, 7/13/16) among both the young and the elderly are also not lost time.

For fun seeking Pokemon go there even disastrous. Reported by Viva (07/14/16) girl was crying hysterically because trapped in the search for Pokemon go in the cemetery. Since it was late officer Complex Public cemetery gate was locked gates and the girl was still inside without being noticed by the officer.

The same thing is true for A Private employee who requested permission to the toilet, but it turns out he's got to Mall preoccupation go looking for Pokemon (Anekanews, 14/07/16).

Another incident in a mosque some people seem unusual, but when diselediki turns out they were looking for Pokemon go. (InfoBekasi, 07/14/16). Even some other news to mention that the mosque favorite place to play Pokemon go.

It seems like there should be a mosque for demolition Pokemon takmir go in order to keep the mosque serves as a place for the pleasure of Allah, not a Pokemon go.

From some of the above news it seems clear that the virtual world is being hypnotized with Pokemon go. So that they would forget their duties and its existence as the hypnotized to find Pokemon go. If such things happen to us then it is never too late to immediately #TinggalkanPokemonGo. Do it and beraktivitaslah useful or at least not back to normal so that apart from Pokemon terhipnotisnya go.

We do not know the intent and purpose made war Pokemon go. But if you go to war Pokemon occurred in the mosque, this is definitely going to ruin us and our generation.

Maybe you play it because to eliminate sleepiness and fatigue. It's OK as long as not to be hypnotized by it. Do not let us leave obligations and therefore our tasks.

"For us Muslims leave the things that are not useful, much less could endanger yourself."[]



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