Monday, June 24, 2019

Magazine Sahabat To the Remote of the Country

In the month of Ramadan 1440H Anak Sahabat Magazine also supports the Student Da'wah Kafilah Program at the College of Da'wah (STID) Mohammad Natsir Jakarta. As a form of efforts to improve literacy throughout the country. Therefore Sahabat Magazine distributes hundreds of magazines to be sent to the interior by students participating in the caravan program.
This caravan program is the flagship program at STID, Mohammad Natsir, who helped send students to various regions in depth. One of the points of the Kafilah da'wah program this year is in Banten and Sukabumi. At SD Cikapek, the Sahabat Anak Magazine was distributed. They accept Friend Magazine with pleasure and curiosity to read. Besides that, Sahabat Magazine was also distributed in several Reading Parks created by the Da'wah Caravan team.

Previously Sahabat Magazine also sent Sahabat Magazine to various corners of the archipelago through cooperation with Laznas Dewan Da'wah. In collaboration with Laznas, the Sahabat Magazine of more than 500 Magazines was also circulated, both in madrasas and in temporary schools in the place where the disaster struck.
Anak Sahabat Magazine will continue to collaborate with various parties, both in the form of distribution and in the form of charity. Therefore, Sahabat Magazine also opens opportunities in distribution and advertorial with various social institutions.

This is because the Sahabat Magazine has a vision as a media for Islamic children who go National. Currently, Sahabat Magazine already exists in 10 cities/provinces in Indonesia. Majalah Sahabat also opens agencies throughout Indonesia. For now, there are 20 agencies throughout Indonesia, besides that there are also 25 schools / educational institutions that subscribe to Sahabat Magazine.



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