Terrorism and Hate Mongers
By: Amriadi Al Masjidiy *
(The common people who are studying in Jakarta-Indonesia)
That night I sat disebuah fish pond near my residence house itself. Strange atmosphere of heat and no wind was great. Is it because I read a lot of cases of terrorism today. Ah ci, what to do with nature. I read the online media-based Islam, 'Tebar Suara' name. He gave the headline "Alleged Terrorism Brings Back Home Name".
Siyono case that became viral in the Islamic media since his death by Detachment 88. Though new Siyono unexpected is not the actor, but he has been killed by them. It does not seem to believe because it is not reported by the main mediated the withdrawal Mardeka, CNN, and others during the case. Pensive itself is not my job which is actually like googling to find the truth.
However, due to the heat of my place, I decided to have a discussion with a friend of Abu Muhammad's name. I do not know his real name. Once I find the name Abu Muhammad on Facebook directly my greetings with polite greetings.
I expressed my intention to discuss sepeutar terrorism cases. Yes, terrorism is terror perpetrators. Police to be terrorists for criminal offenders. When the Dutch colonized Indonesia for the Netherlands it is the people who fought for the independence of Indonesia called for the Indonesian rebels while he was patriok. The same actors and the same activity a different label. Abu clear to me.
There is something strange against terrorist cases in Indonesia by Abu I asked him how. It was engineered, every terrorist has their individual interests. As the transfer of corruption after the terrorists and it was certainly no rubbish about the artist. So the news is never ending as such. And it has been designed with professional politicians.
But during this time that the perpetrators are Islamic terrorists. Well, they just become a gelding. They just slandered and competed. When a non-Muslim actors and has been bombing they are not killed like Siyoso. OPM (Papua liberation organization) who openly commit crimes the rebels and they are not terrorists, because they are not Muslims. But the group Santoso (Indonesia Mujahidin East-MIT) were Muslims and the terrorists.
What causes such O my brother and what causes the two groups diverge? Their activities do the same thing why any label can be different as well as a matter of Dutch colonizers and fighters Patriot Idonesia?
Ya.Tepat all. Similarly, so depending on who sees it. Truth and error is difficult to distinguish. Regarding the two groups since it became a rebel because they have different backgrounds. Indonesia mardeka already 70 years old. But the people still live below the poverty line. Background OPM clearly actually seek public attention to fairness. Because for them (OPM), Papua mardeka and still has not invaded by Indonesia.
Meaning? It's no secret in the construction of doing just Java. So that the people of Papua was colonized by Indonesia because they still wear penis gourds. So do not be surprised if it continues the development of Java then terrorism as OPM will continue to grow behold prosperity in Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia more. Where the government's attention, will be whether enough by fast train that eliminates the people's money without accountability.
What Santoso group if he also has the same motive? I asked Abu.
No! Santoso departing from the slaughter of Muslims in Poso by Christian Terrorism. This has led to the birth of the Mujahideen there, to keep the Muslim people from oppression and they do not melakan against the government in the beginning. However, because of Detachment 88, which gives the terrorist stigma to and they should be hunted down, people will be made any more. But we remain suspicious of the Indonesian military.
Lest the two groups were precisely those who put their weapons or simply serve as a rehearsal. Since it is impossible meliter be brave without war games. This is just a suspicion, I hope not so.
Who exactly is the culprit causes of terrorism? Biangkerok terrorism is a politician, there is no religion. Politicians who created it because they need a voice. Take the case of Siyoso in the mainstream media that they control successfully without someone preaching about him. already shows 11 hours here why do not we move on tomorrow.
Yes, no problem Abu disinijuga own hours 10:37 West Indonesia Time. Thanks for the enlightenment Abu.
I'm still curious about the analysis of Abu Muhammad, precisely what is expressed. I already can not wait to chat with him to continue the conversation interrupted earlier prophecy. Promptly at 10 he was active facebooknya. Instantly I express my intention to continue the discussion last night.
Yes, Abu. How is your brother these days ?. I asked further ado. Yes. Thank God, im alright. I just read the news in the Voices of Islam there Helikoter hunter Santoso, who was struck by lightning. I think is increasingly clear who is right and who is wrong.
Yes. Abu, just now I also just finished reading a book Jerry D. Gray, entitled "The Real Truth" he revealed last section which, according to American conclusion is the main terrorist in the world. The whole massacres committed by their status proved no longer suspected. But the media has never claimed they were terrorists. Whereas unforeseen events in Paris that the world mourned ISIS was in Turkey the world silent. What message they want to convey to us, in addition wants to spread hatred.
Exactly Di, I think you not only read the last part but there are parts that are revealed by Jerry WTC incident is actually created. He beranalisa that the media managed to capture properly the events of terrorism that means creation of politicians.
Yes. Abu Sarinah me curious about the case yesterday. Most momentnya looks really hammy theatrics. Is this part of the case design that eliminates the problem of politicians Preefort and corruption of politicians.
I do not know, I doubt it. But we can not say that because we had not enough evidence.
Yes, I also want to say so. As ordinary people we can only stand by and watch how the pain of engineering intelligence in killing Muslims in Indonesia. It seems they want to show the message to the Muslims about their hatred.
Adi, that's what I want to say to you. At the time the news of Detachment 88 in the mosque looking for theorists, the proof is the Qur'an that all Muslims in Indonesia should be arrested. Then again, what message they want to convey. When a Muslim who wears a cap, robe, berjengot and pants above the ankles. Then he will be labeled as terrorist number one when proven not.
Exactly what you say Abu, I also look at what it is looking Densus 88 who enter kindergarten. Do they want to create a terrorist? With mental terrorize children and Muslims. This will be the cause of new born terrorists. This is why I held his peace ISIS today. Because the people of Iraq earlier in slaughtered and their revenge will be the same thing.
Adi, Islam strictly prohibits committing crimes though to achieve goodness. If one is killed Muslims or non-Muslims and he moves catch the culprit and hand over to the new authorities is justified. Behavior ISIS kill innocent people to achieve the satisfaction of the past is that it is wrong. Although they do violence to achieve the enforcement of Islamic law.
This is what I bigung O brother. Though Islam has a rule in such a way, but they are by arbitrarily kill Muslims. And when Muslims retaliating like Palestine to Israel, the world as if the Israelis kill people and Palestinian children are true and fair, again what message they want to convey to us?
Yes, this is so is the case today. but how do we solve the terrorism. Because I believe it was created by professional terrorists if politicians. Intasi supposed to police and other government responsible for it. But again, the politicians who control them for their voice menpertahankan.
According to Dr. Zakir Naik in a video translated by Wesaltv. He revealed the proper way to stop terrorism, we must uphold keadalilan. This is I think the right way to stop terrorism, because of violent terrorism may not be resolved and instead will create new terrorists.
Very true brother. I also never said Alan Spector memdengarkan a Russian who lived in America when asked the right way to stop the violence and terrorism, he briefly answered your people try and prosperous. But that meant Alan Spector is a way to stop communism. I think it is very appropriate as well, because terrorism is also born of a lack of prosperity and well-being so that they are suing the government over their rights they are.
Exactly O Abu Muhammad. Thus we thought the same meliki although we quote varies. I meresa add insight and information from relatives. I hope someday that we have the power to stop terrorism we've meliki the right solution.
Aamiin .... Adi I would not get tired of discussing and exchanging knowledge with you. Sometime later we will discuss themes beda.Ya, Abu thanks for your time. Do not hesitate to invite me to discuss and to exchange knowledge.
My discussion of the afternoon finished up there, hopefully the others also add insight on this topic. And we as Muslims should be careful, because we could be caught at any time without having any evidence to blame. Once again they did not listen to us and will not judge us for any reason. Look at the Abu Bakr Ba'Syir old course they arrest and punishment of the young especially we have the insight to all Islaman definitely more than that, learn from each case the "alleged" terrorism who lost their lives.
Truth is to be delivered, because a moment later the word of Allah in Surah Al-Isra 'verse 81 will surely become a reality. As contained in the film 3 (Alif Lam Mim). Please watch for the witness. Learn from each of what we see, we hear and what kitabaca. Hopefully this short article helpful.
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